Monday, September 14, 2009

  1. Wipe excess sweat off of the equipment - it's common sense, but it won't kill the germs on the equipment.
  2. Use a sanitizer to wipe the equipment down if available - remember, using a sanitizer does not guarantee you will kill all of the germs/bacteria.
  3. Use barrier protection.
    • Do not touch the equipment directly with bare hands! Infectious disease can be transmitted by contact.
    • Always put a towel on any equipment you are going to sit on.
  4. Most gyms have sanitizer near the sink for you to use after or before washing your hands.

  • Barrier protection is crucial! There are personal sanitary handle covers for gym equipment. They wrap around the handles of almost any equipment (secured with Velcro) and eliminate direct skin-to-surface contact.
  • Always properly wash your hands after any workout.
  • Keep your hands away from your mouth at all times.
  • There are some excellent products available that provide protection against germs.